Tyca Sedgwick’s Whitetail Willie
Gruar Bulldogs off Alex x Tyca Lady
(Whelped -06/07/21)
Willie came back to us from a Co-Owner that no longer care for him. We are enjoying him that we decided to keep this goofy guy. He adores kids of all ages. He enjoys playing hide and seek or tag.
PDP1 - Clear EIC - Clear Hips - Good Elbows - Normal
Welcome to Willie’s World. Willie is a beautiful huge male out of our bloodlines. He was the companion of a friend of ours in Texas. He is a big teddy bear - loyal, funny, clownish, snuggler, gentle with little grandchildren, a tireless tracker, intelligent (many times too smart for his own good) and just a tremendous companion. Willie came from some great hunting lines. He has become a premier deer tracker for our friend. I believe at the writing of this bio, he is 5-5 in finding deer and tracked his first deer at 4 months. Great instincts along with excellent training has turned him into a hunter’s dream. Last spring, we used Willie to sire his first litter of pups with Zuka, our Italian female. This litter may have been one of the gentlest litters we have ever produced. Three of his pups are following in his career, with one going to deer/upland game hunter and two to upland game hunters. All three pups are showing outstanding hunting characteristics. At 6 months old a pup, on his first deer tracking mission, recently followed a 12-hour old cold trail over 200 yard to find a downed deer. This pup was also retrieving doves in September. Another of the pups that will be an upland game hunter, will also be shown at AKC events. The third hunting pup tracked a deer and also retrieving upland birds. This pup’s owner has been so impressed by his dog, that he has already asked to be placed on our list for a pup from our next litter.